
Monday 29 February 2016

Collaboration is Key

Learn the values of your millennial audience

As a millennial, I resonate better with brands that know and support my values. I love when a brand is socially responsible or if they collaborate with a good cause. I then become more apt to buy products from them because we share the same values.

Collaboration marketing is a great way to reach the values of the millennial audience. Marketing Donut defines collaboration marketing as the co-creation of products, marketing campaigns or on-pack promotions between two or more businesses. Essentially a business can get together with another brand to promote each other and share each other’s products to expand their own reach.

You might ask: why is this good for the millennial audience?
St. Joseph Communications released a study that stated 50% of millennials in the U.S. said that the brands they use say something about who they are, what their values are and where they fit in. They also found out that 48% of millennials try to use the brands of companies that are active in supporting social causes.

What to do:
Figure out what the values of your millennial target audience are and use those values to create a collaborative marketing strategy. Make sure you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and develop your campaign from there. Finding out the core values of your audience will allow you to find the perfect match for collaboration. In turn, your brands reach will grow and the millennial audience will resonate with your brand because your values match.

Collaborate with a brand that makes sense

Make sure you stay true to your brand. Don’t create a collaborative marketing campaign with a business or charity that doesn’t make sense to your brand. Why? You guessed it- it won’t make sense to your audience either. Make sure your co-collaborator matches your brands values or has a common cause. That will create a complementary relationship and will help you to achieve success in your collaboration marketing campaign.


  1. Interesting post, you're definitely right about millennials wanting to connect with or be loyal to a brand that gives back to social causes. I think one of my favourite examples of that would be TenTree, which plants (you guessed it) 10 trees per each item purchased from their store. It's a cool concept and their products are well designed too.

    1. Yes, Nate- TenTree is a great example of a company that does collaborative marketing. Going the same direction- Toms is another great example!

  2. I definitely agree with your thoughts! If we choose some brand, it should make some difference in community and help make our world better.
